Simply motherhood
Melissa and Jaycee have this beautiful connection, her first baby, her true love. And oh my goodness does it ever bring me joy to capture these moments of connection for them. As a mom of a now 10 year old, I truly know the importance of having these images to look back on. They are truly only little for such a short time.
I had a little “helper” for this session. My 4 (almost 5) year old daughter. She HAD to sneak in a couple photos, wanted to take a few of her own, and drove me a little bit , you know.. But in the middle of everything, like a typical newborn, Jaycee had a giant newborn poo. This is basically my Bella’s dream come true, she thought it was hilarious. Disgusting but it’s the little things right?
If you make it to the very bottom, I tell you all about my Simply motherhood sessions that are now available.